Inception date: October 28, 2020
The name of this organization shall be the American Federal Board of CSL therapy & Body Contouring hereinafter referred to as the Federation or AFBCBC.
Inception Period: First Calendar year of institutionalizing Federal Board. Does not have to be a full year however, if year is less than 6 months the inception period will continue thru the next succeeding year until the end of the CSL Therapy fiscal year (November 30)
The mission of the Federation is to support its CSL Therapy State Member Board Directors in their work to:
In carrying out this mission, the Federation of Delegates shall:
The members of the AFBCBC shall be known as “Delegates”. The CSL Federal Board shall also be known or referred to as “The Federation.” An active position within the Federation shall be referred to as “a Membership.”
Section 1. Delegate Membership Categories.
A termed group of appointed Directors serving on the Federal CSL Therapy Board authorized by statute to regulate the practice of CSL therapy licensed treatments [inclusive of Incisional Drainage, PostOp-Indur, & all forms of CSL defined Body Contouring], Body Altering Aesthetics short term assisted living Recovery Homes, Pre-Elective Surgical preparation educational curriculum and certification process, & Client Advocacy protection standards. Members act in an advisory capacity, whether by licensure, certification or registration, in any of the States of the United States of America, or the District of Columbia, or its insular territories, and that has been granted State Institution and participation in the Federation.
Current and future legally serving assistant members of the Federal Board; current and future committee members.
Emeritus Members
Section 2. Qualification and Admission.
During the inception period, all Federal Board of Directors will be nominated and appointed by members of the CSL Alliance Liaison formation committee, the CSL Council, & State Agency Departments. After this time period expires, all candidates wishing for membership shall submit an application with the required dues, and shall agree to comply with the Bylaws of the Federation. A two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors shall be required to grant membership in all categories for all open positions.
Section 3. Rights of Members.
Section 4. Termination.
Membership & affiliation may be terminated by a two-thirds vote of fellow AFBCBC Board of Directors or majority vote of Council members for failure to pay dues in a timely manner, for failure to comply with the Bylaws or policies of the Federation, or by being convicted of a Felony as defined by the US law for matters pertaining to personal or professional endeavors. Termination is subject to review and dismissal by Council for final say.
Section 1. Federal Council Authority & Composition
The Council shall provide direction and policy for the Federation via the resolution process and through election of the Board of Directors, and shall take no action inconsistent with the Federation Articles of Incorporation, these Bylaws, the Mission Statement, or applicable local or federal law. The Council is comprised of 4 appointed members. An Alternate Delegate lobbyist may be designated by a Member Board director to attend meetings, and to replace a Council member assuming their responsibilities as Delegate Pro Tempore if all 4 Council members are unable to participate.
Section 2. Federal Board Members Authority and Composition.
The Federal Board shall provide direction and policy for CSL State Board of Directors via the resolution process and through election of the Board of Directors, and shall take no action inconsistent with the Federation Articles of Incorporation, these Bylaws, the Mission Statement, or applicable local or federal law. The Federal Board is comprised of 1 Registered Nurse,
The board is supplemented with 1 Chief Research Analyst. The Federal Board turns to CSL Agency Directors for niche advisory in their respective sectors. The CSL Agency has no federal voting privileges but can consult with the Federal Board of Directors for guidance. They may attend open and closed meetings and add items to the agenda. The group of Agency delegates are referred to as “The Agency Director Assembly”.
Section 3. Selection, Credentialing and Seating of Delegates.
Section 1. Annual Meeting.
The CSL Delegate Assembly shall have an Annual Meeting the first Monday in October at a time and place as determined by the Federal Board of Directors. Notice of meeting shall be conveyed in writing (inclusive of virtual delivery) to each Member Board at least 60 days prior to the meeting date. In the event of an emergency, the Federal Board of Directors by a two thirds vote may postpone the Annual Meeting and shall schedule a meeting of the Agency Director Assembly to present CSL emergent information to the public until the CSL Delegate Assembly may be held by the Council and the Federal Board of Directors.
Section 2. Special Meetings.
Special meetings of the Delegate Assembly may be called by the President at any time with the approval of a majority of the Board of Directors, and must be called by the President as soon as practicable upon written request from a majority of the Member Boards. Notice of meeting, including the general nature of business to be transacted, shall be conveyed in writing (inclusive of virtual delivery) to each Member Board at least 15 days prior to the meeting date.
Unattending members are required to debrief themselves on meeting notes within 72 hours of missed meeting, confirming debriefing with the President in writing (either email, text, or physical written letter).
Section 3. Quorum.
In order to conduct business at any meeting of the Delegate Assembly, at least a majority of Member Boards must be in attendance. Provided that there is a majority of Member Boards as described above, the total number of Board Members in attendance shall constitute the quorum. Unless otherwise provided in the Bylaws or under applicable law, all actions to be taken by the membership shall require an affirmative vote of a majority of the established quorum. In the absence of a majority of Members, those Board Members in attendance may adjourn the meeting by a majority vote.
Section 4. Voting and Elections.
Section 5. Parliamentary Authority.
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, may govern the proceedings of the Federation in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws and any meeting procedures or special rules of order the Federation may adopt.
Section 1. Composition.
a Esthetician, a Massage therapist, a Phlebotomist, Wound Care specialist, a Plastic Surgeon, and a Code Enforcement Officer. One of these Directors shall serve as President; one shall serve as secretary securing meeting minutes; one director shall serve as Treasurer and
Section 2. Authority.
Directors and Committee member leaders shall be elected by a majority vote of the Delegate Assembly.
Section 3. Conduct of Business.
The BOD may meet in executive session only for discussion and resolution of personnel matters, legal matters, transactions involving real property, matters related to the membership status in the Federation of a Member Board or Associate Member, and matters related directly to the security of the Federation’s examination programs.
Section 4. Duties.
Members of the BOD shall perform the duties prescribed by these Bylaws, and the policies and procedures established by the BOD. Specific responsibilities for Officers of the Federation are set forth as follows:
Section 5. Qualifications for Directors.
Section 6. Term of Office.
Section 7. Vacancies in Office.
Section 8. Removal from Office.
Section 9. Executive Committee.
Committee members will be assembled by need and established by non-voting members of the CSL Therapy and public interest. Committee Chair will be selected. Committee Chair will select the remaining committee members. Applications will be submitted for each opening.
Section 1. Appointment.
The Executive Committee Members (Chair of each Committee) shall be appointed by the BOD. The selection or termination of the Executive Director shall be by a majority vote of the BOD.
Section 2. Authority.
Executive Committee Members shall serve as agents for the Federation, focusing on their assigned respective sectors and concepts, and shall possess the authority and shall perform all duties listed on Committee opportunity addendums in progressing the Federation, including the management and supervision of the office, programs and services of Federation, the tracking of committee expenses and execution of contracts (subject to such limitations as may be established by the BOD). Each Committee will be given an appointed Committee Executive who shall serve as Committee chairman and secretary; overseeing maintenance of committee documents and records for the Federation and shall perform such additional duties as may be defined and directed in writing by the BOD.
Section 1. Standing Committees.
The Federation shall maintain the following Standing Committees past the inception period for a one year period before recommital:
The committee shall review the annual budget, the Federation’s investments and prepare the audit for the [unbiased] accountant. The committee shall, working in conjunction with the President, recommend a budget to the BOD and advise the BOD on fiscal policy to assure
prudence and integrity of fiscal management and responsiveness to Member Board needs. The Finance Committee may be made up of Public Members and volunteers.
This committee shall be comprised of at least five members, and shall provide general oversight of the licensing examination process. This includes job survey analyses, examination item development, security, administration and quality assurance to ensure consistency with the Member Boards’ need for examinations. The committee shall also approve item development panels and recommend test plans to the BOD. Subcommittees may be appointed to assist the Examination Committee in the fulfillment of its responsibilities. The Examination Committee will work with the CSL Licensing & Exam agency as well as the Council.
This committee shall research and develop proposed amendments to the Bylaws and Standing Rules as directed by the BOD or the Delegate Assembly. The Committee shall, in accordance with policies established by the BOD, review, evaluate and report to the Delegate Assembly on all resolutions and motions submitted by Member Boards.
This committee shall provide general oversight of and guidance on issues related to massage therapy practice, regulation, and education. They will also work closely with the CSL Client Advocacy agency Director to conduct investigations and follow up resources on industry complaints, recommending licensure suspension or revocation or reinstatements, as well as changes to the licensing SOP.
The Nominating Committee shall seek nominations from Member Boards and associate members and shall present a slate of qualified candidates for election at the Annual Meeting. Persons seeking nomination or wishing to suggest nominees must contact the Nominating Committee at least 45 days prior to the Annual Meeting to submit a volunteer application and other information the committee may request. Nominations for directors will not be accepted from the floor during the Annual Meeting. No name shall be placed into nomination without the consent of the nominee.
Section 2. Nominating Committee.
There shall be three (3) members on the Nominating Committee. All members shall be elected at the Annual Delegate Assembly of the Association by a plurality of votes, either from nominations submitted by the Nominating Committee or by nominations from the floor. A candidate for the Nominating Committee must be a Delegate or Alternate Delegate, a current member of a Member Board or the chief administrative officer of a member board. The elected members of the Nominating Committee shall have attended at least one (1) Delegate Assembly meeting prior to nomination. All members shall serve a one year term.
Section 3. Special Committees.
The BOD may establish special (or ad hoc) committees as needed to accomplish the mission of the Federation, and to assist any standing committee in the fulfillment of its responsibilities.
Special committees may include subcommittees, task forces, advisory panels, focus groups, or other groups designated by the BOD.
Section 4. Committee Membership and Term.
Section 5. Committee Duties.
C. The quorum and meeting notice requirements of Article VI, Section 3 shall apply to all standing and special committees.
Section 1. Financial Year.
Section 2. Dues.
The Delegate Assembly shall establish the annual dues for each membership category. Member dues are to be paid within the first 3 months of the restart of the fiscal year. Dues amount is available on the Federal Fee Schedule.
Section 3. Finances.
Upon inception, the Federal Board will meet to assign financial avenues as funds are generated. The board will decide percentage attributions inclusive of but limited to BOD wages, events, staff payroll, generation and distribution of tests, test administration fees, code and comar enforcement, expansion of State boards, real estate, & website upkeep.
Section 1. Indemnification.
Subject to the limitations of this Article, the Federation shall indemnify any person who was or is a party of or is threatened to be made a party to any threatened, pending or contemplated action, suit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative (other than an action by or in the right of the Federation) by reason of the fact that such person is or was a committee member, including the Board of Directors, or Officer of the Federation, against expenses, including attorneys’ fees, judgments, fines, and amounts paid in settlement actually and reasonably incurred in connection with such action, suit or proceeding only if such person acted in good faith and in a manner reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the best interest of the Federation and, with respect to any criminal action or proceeding, had no reasonable cause to believe such conduct was unlawful. The termination of any action, suit or proceeding by judgment or settlement, condition or upon a plea of Nolo Contendere or its equivalent shall not, in and of itself, create a presumption that such person did not act in good faith and in a manner reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the best interests of the Federation and, with respect to any criminal action or proceeding, had reasonable cause to believe that such conduct was unlawful.
Section 2. Qualification.
Any indemnification under this Article shall be made by the Federation only as authorized in the specific case upon a determination that indemnification is proper in the circumstances because such person has met the applicable standard of conduct set forth in this Article. Such determination shall be made by the Board of Directors consisting of members who are not parties to such action, suit or proceeding or, if such quorum is not attainable, a quorum of disinterested members.
Section 1. Requirements.
These Bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the Delegate Assembly at which a quorum is present by a two-thirds majority of the Delegates present and voting; provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing to the Member Boards at least 45 days prior to the meeting.
Section 2. Amendment proposals.
Amendments may be proposed by the Policy Committee or Member Boards. Such proposals shall be submitted in writing to the Federation office at least 90 days before a meeting of the Delegate Assembly where this amendment is to be considered.
Section 3. Effective date.
These Bylaws, and any other subsequent amendments thereto, shall become effective upon their adoption.
In the event of dissolution of the Federation, the Board of Directors shall prepare a plan for the orderly distribution of all the assets of the Federation. After payment of all bona fide obligations, assets shall be distributed to the succeeding non-profit CSL Federal Council Accrediting (ACBAA) corporation or to other non-profit corporations as provided in the Federation’s Articles of Incorporation. In no case shall any of the assets be distributed to any private individual.