Client Advocacy

Client Advocacy

So often in this industry, clients don’t have a voice. It’s taken from them at every twist and turn throughout their cosmetic self-love journey. Whether it’s because someone was in a rush, or a nurse taking care of them lacked licensing and ethics, or because the client themselves felt unheard or that their opinion wouldn’t be valued, the end result is still that the client isn’t put first nor are their issues.

The CSL Therapy Client Advocacy Agency was created to allow clients the opportunity to move through the cosmetic space freely without being taken advantage of, disrespected, or hurt; and should something go awry during their experience, there is a now an agency backing their complaints instead of it falling on deaf ears or being relegated for them to fight for/by themselves. This is a place & space of peace and refuge for them to share their story OR for their provider to advocate for them on their behalf. Gone are the days that medical professionals can treat clients however they want without someone chiming in to sort out the details and provide resolution for all.

Our goal is to advocate for everyone in the elective PostOperative including surgeons who may file protected confidential complaints of being mistreated by their surgery centers, surgical and coordinating staff, employees of BAA providers, and most importantly, clients. See something, say something and allow an investigation to ensue from start to finish ending with resolutions and resources to either rectify the situation, channel compensation where needed, and/or establish solutions of change to prevent repeat occurrences.

Pre & Peri Operative Charter

Incisional Drainage


Body Contouring

Recovery Home Licensure

Client Advocacy

Pre & Peri Operative Charter

Incisional Drainage


Body Contouring

Recovery Home Licensure

Client Advocacy

Wound Care (Future Inception)

Insurance (Future Inception)

Licensing & Exams
(Future Inception)

Wound Care (Future Inception)

Insurance (Future Inception)

Licensing & Exams
(Future Inception)