Modality Techniques


Different techniques and approaches are used as apart of best practices in the CSL Therapy organization. Most have heavy Carribean influences ranging from the Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Colombia, and Brazil. Other techniques stem from more honored traditional approaches from Thailand such as Swedish massage, lymphatic approaches of Manual Lymphatic Drainage, and other easternized medical influences.

Manual Lymphatic drainage is the basis of everything we do but it is just the beginning. Manual lymphatic drainage techniques, and lymphatic massage are limited in their abilities to help clients achieve desired results.

Canvases & Progressive procedures:

The canvas of the average client has declined over the last 20 years as cosmetic treatments and procedures have gotten substantially more aggressive. This has created the “gray area gap”. The gray area gap is the void that was created by treatments that stopped being optimally effective as the starting foundations of the general public changed. The less healthier we have become as a society mixed with heightened trauma from progressively aggressive procedures (not to mention the overuse of tumescent fluid) renders using MLD only approaches under-effective.

CSL Therapy fills this gap taking edema approaches, natural anatomical trauma responses, and modern technological advances to bridge clients helping them safely achieve their desired body goals. Pure true LANA certified lymphatic massages are still employed for PreOp treatments, but after plastic surgery, CSL Therapy induration treatments administered by a PostOp-Indur provider (either an iMedic, Clinician, Specialist, or Therapist).

Here’s a few definitions to help you navigate your cosmetic self love journey: (for more definitions, check out our Lexicon Glossary)

Modality Techniques

CSL Industry Titles

BioHacking the Body

Glossary Lexicon