CSL Ordinance
Doctrine of CSL Therapy Bodywork & Treatment
- Helping shouldn’t hurt.
- Meet life where it is, work with it until it plateaus in its evolution along the dermophysioaesthetic line of potential.
- Tissue moves in the direction that it is pushed, pulled, or carved in.
- Move with need, every stroke has a purpose, every step has its own heartbeat.
- Strokes move along a pressure gradient of 1-10. Lymphatic system receives greatest effect with pressure gradients from 1-4.
- Diaphragmatic breathing prevents stagnation and promotes deep energy permeation of both client and provider with the ability to control countertransference; maintain this eb and flow from macro to micro levels.
- Tissue has to be continually moved for transformations to transpire; systems must be declogged and cleared frequently. Strokes cannot add to clogging the nodes without an offset of declogging nodes.
- Concepts presented need to be able to be checked as having a scientific or physiological explanation backing.
- Tissue is transformed through kinetics.
- To change part of a closed system, you must apply circulation encouraging palpation to the entire system
- The volatile fluctuations of mmHG within the body after trauma through Hydrostatic pressure + osmotic pressures & the body’s fight to return to homeostasis is sent into an unnatural course with the introduction of [tumescent, anesthesia, and] hormone flooding on imperfect canvases, renders lymphatic massage outdated in achieving optimal post elective surgical results. CSL Therapy is built upon the framework of lymphatic massage, but is not. The two should be respected as separate modalities with edema based treatments being reserved only for: 1. Clients with perfect health, 2. PreOp treatments.
- Treatments are applied in response to systemic body presentations.
- Trauma of any level introduced to the body will yield a remodeling response from the applied closed system.
- Tools, equipment, and machines are used with proper training and full knowledge understanding of how each device has an effect on being able to transform a clients tissue from a respective baseline health.
- Wounds take precedence over presentation reading. While superficial wounds are to be treated, once contained, the entire wound of the torso (or focal area) from dermal plane depth inward to cellular remodeling then take mainstream precedence with ideal body goals being kept in mind optimizing trauma bio hacking approaches to yield highest results from best health practices available, releasing outdated protocols.
- We don’t fix. We don’t heal. We don’t correct. Providers facilitate kinetic treatments that coax the body along its own journey as it returns to homeostasis, tapping into natural trauma remodeling responses along the way.