(“indur”, short for “induration”) A CSL Therapy approach of treatments and services to help clients heal optimally with high aesthetics results. Healthcare professionals create customized programs and treatment protocols that use devices, manual hand manipulations, and bioengineering to design the client’s trauma remodeling to match their tissue as close as possible to their desired body goals. This scientific approach is applied to clients after a plastic surgery procedure from Day 8-Week 8 postOp.

This isn’t a streamlined process. It’s a twisting tale of highs and lows; physical expectations defined by client lifestyle stimuli decisions mixed with intentional bio-hacking treatments in response to real time presentations. It’s answering client questions and pinpointing when certain techniques or self care routines should be started, compressive routines increased, and frequency of treatments. It’s a professional eb and flow dance of healthcare providers responding to what their post-elective surgery client’s bodies are showing them — keeping in mind what the goal is, how their tissue should be showing up, and the client’s commitment to their overall healing journey.

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