ACBAA Certificants are committed to upholding the public trust and confidence, elevating the profession’s reputation, and safeguarding the interests of individual clients. To achieve these goals, Certificants shall:

I. Dedicate themselves to providing the highest quality professional care to those who seek their services.

II. Accurately represent their qualifications, education, and professional affiliations, and only offer services they are qualified to perform.

III. Provide clients, healthcare professionals, and the public with precise information on the scope and limitations of their field.

IV. Acknowledge the limitations and contraindications of CSL Therapy and bodywork, and refer clients to appropriate healthcare professionals.

V. Provide treatment only when it is reasonably expected to benefit the client.

VI. Continually maintain and enhance their professional knowledge and competence, striving for excellence through regular self-assessment and professional education.

VII. Conduct their business and professional activities with honesty, integrity, and respect for the inherent worth of all individuals.

VIII. Refuse to discriminate against clients or other healthcare professionals unjustly.

IX. Preserve the confidentiality of clients’ identities and information in all communications, advertising, and other matters unless the client requests disclosure in writing, disclosure is medically necessary, or disclosure is required by law.

X. Respect clients’ rights to treatment with informed and voluntary consent, and obtain and document such consent before providing treatment, whether verbal or written.

XI. Honor clients’ rights to refuse, modify, or terminate treatment, regardless of prior consent given.

XII. Provide draping and treatment in a manner that ensures clients’ safety, comfort, and privacy.

XIII. Exercise the right to refuse to treat any person or part of the body for just and reasonable cause.

XIV. Refrain from engaging in sexual conduct or relationships with clients, whether consensual or not, from the beginning of the therapeutic relationship and for at least six months after its termination, unless an ongoing sexual relationship existed before the therapeutic relationship began.

XV. Avoid any interests, activities, or influences that might conflict with their obligation to act in clients’ or the profession’s best interests.

XVI. Respect clients’ boundaries with regard to privacy, disclosure, exposure, emotional expression, beliefs, and reasonable expectations of professional behavior, and respect clients’ autonomy.

XVII. Refuse any gifts or benefits intended to influence a referral, decision, or treatment, or that serve purely personal interests rather than the clients’ best interests.

XVIII. Adhere to the ACBAA Standards of Practice, this Code of Ethics, and all policies, procedures, guidelines, regulations, codes, and requirements promulgated by the American Council of Body Altering Aesthetics, Inc.