Advanced Scholastic Trainer FAQs

To update an existing approved course:
Login to your Approved Provider account at
Locate the “Updates to an Existing Course Form”
Select type of update:
- Free course changes
- Course title change
- Course category change
- Course agency change
All other changes (listed as follows) will incur a $25 fee:
- Increasing or decreasing the number of CEUs
- Adding secondary course titles
- Combining multiple course titles
- Adding a course format
Provide required information and submit
Please allow 45-60 days for processing. You can view the status of all your applications by logging into your account and clicking on “Applications History” from the Dashboard.
Please Note: Attendees arriving late or not attending the full course SHOULD NOT be given certificates for partial credit. Advanced Scholastic Trainer are expected to have written policies that address the attendance requirements for their Live and Distance Learning/Webinar classes.
ACBAA will only accept certificates with course title, format, and corresponding CEU hours exactly as ACBAA approved. Incorrect CEU certificates will be rejected by ACBAA and may also be rejected by state regulatory boards.
ACBAA will refer individuals back to the Advanced Scholastic Trainer for incorrect CEU certificates.
Continuing education units (CEUs): CEUs are calculated based on the content presented in a course. Advanced Scholastic Trainers must provide documentation to support assignment of CEU hours when courses are submitted for approval. All CEUs must be clearly documented for participants prior to purchasing a course. CEUs awarded must be in whole or half hour increments only.
Face to face course:
- CEUs for face-to-face education experiences should match the number of hours of instructions based on a 50-minute hour.
- CEUs are not awarded for breaks lasting more than 15 minutes.
Home study courses:
Below are minimal criteria used for assigning CEUs to home study courses:
12,000 words read equals 1 CEU
- One hour of video or audio equals 1 CEU
- Providers may document additional CEUs for course work beyond the word count (i.e. reflective assignments, additional reading).
- No additional CEUs may be given beyond those approved unless the course is re-submitted for approval
Advanced Scholastic Trainers may also work with an instructional designer to determine CEU hours.
To submit an application is $325. Once approved, a foundational course is $500 to submit; a supplemental course is $75 as an individual, and $200 to submit if you’re an organization. Course resubmissions (should your course be rejected) is $100.
Foundational Courses
- Modalities, techniques, manual forces
- Applied Science
- Plastic surgery procedures
Supplemental Courses
- Professional Communication
- Professionalism & Ethics
- Laws and Business Practices
Continuing education is an important aspect of lifelong learning and personal and professional development. The purpose of CSL continuing education is generally done to:
Update and enhance skills: Continuing education provides opportunities to learn new PostOp & Body Contouring skills and stay current with the latest advancements and developments in CSL Therapy.
Career advancement: Continuously improve their anatomical knowledge and skills to maintain their certifications, licenses, or accreditations.
Personal growth and development: Learning new skills and gaining knowledge can help individuals expand their personal interests, broaden their perspectives, and increase their overall Body Altering Aesthetic knowledge and understanding of the world.
Professional networking: Continuing education programs provide opportunities to network with other professionals, exchange ideas, and collaborate on CSL Therapy projects.
Fulfillment of educational or professional requirements: As the CSL Therapy industry grows, licensure requirements will become more widespread
Every course you submit will be approved as a volume edition. Should you choose to update a course volume, adding more information that you would like students to know has been peer reviewed, the fee for this is only $25.
Every course you submit will be reviewed. Should your course be denied, you may not resubmit it. If your course is rejected, make the identified necessary changes and resubmit. Resubmitted fees are $100.