012.1. Emergency Preparedness:
- Certificants and licensees shall maintain readiness for potential medical emergencies during CSL Therapy treatments by having access to appropriate emergency equipment and supplies.
012.2. Client Monitoring:
- Certificants and licensees shall continuously monitor clients during treatment sessions for any signs of distress, discomfort, or altered consciousness, including changes in skin color, heart rate, or respiratory distress.
012.3. Unconscious Client:
- If a client loses consciousness during a treatment session, certificants and licensees shall follow these steps:
- Safely end the session immediately.
- Ensure the client is in a supine position with their head elevated if possible.
- Check for breathing and a pulse.
- If the client is not breathing or does not have a pulse, initiate cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) following established protocols.
- Summon emergency medical services (EMS) or 911 for immediate assistance.
- Continue CPR until EMS arrives or until the client regains consciousness.
- If client is breathing, waft an ammonia inhalant under their nose or an alcohol wipe and place a cold compress on the back of their necks.
012.4. Hemorrhaging or Severe Health Emergency:
- If a client experiences severe hemorrhaging, prolonged unconsciousness, or another severe health emergency, certificants and licensees shall:
- Safely end the session immediately.
- Apply direct pressure to control bleeding if applicable.
- Summon EMS or 911 for immediate assistance.
- Administer first aid as trained and within their scope of practice.
- Provide accurate and detailed information to EMS personnel upon arrival.
- Notify CSL Therapy of the incident as soon as it is safe to do so.
012.5. Equipment and Supplies:
- Certificants and licensees shall maintain emergency equipment and supplies, including a first-aid kit, AED (Automated External Defibrillator) if applicable, and emergency contact information, in their treatment area.
012.6. CPR Training:
- Certificants and licensees shall maintain current certification in CPR and basic life support (BLS) to ensure proper response in emergencies.
012.7. Regular Drills and Training:
- CSL Therapy shall conduct regular emergency response drills and training to ensure that certificants and licensees are well-prepared to handle emergencies.
Failure to comply with this Patient Privacy/Confidentiality & Public safety regulation may result in disciplinary actions by CSL Therapy, including but not limited to certification or licensure suspension or revocation, dismissal fines, and incarceration in accordance with CSL Therapy’s disciplinary policies and procedures.
This regulation shall be effective as of [September 18, 2023] and shall remain in effect until revised or updated by CSL Therapy.