As a CSL Provider applicant, I/our organization agree(s) to:
Provide precise and reliable information to the ACBAA in all transactions, to the best of our knowledge.
Ensure that course credits are only granted to those who complete the course according to the published requirements.
Conduct our programs and operations ethically, respecting the rights and worth of our clients.
Use and present the provider statement and logo in compliance with the ACBAA regulations.
Supply requested information, cooperate with the ACBAA, and pay fees in a timely manner.
Acknowledge that the ACBAA audits courses to ensure compliance with the criteria.
Comply with any revisions of the criteria after due review and comment period or inform the ACBAA of any intent to withdraw providership.
Maintain conformity with the ACBAA’s Code of Ethics, Standards of Practice, and policies and procedures.
Abide by the ACBAA criteria/standards or forfeit the ACBAA approval status after due process.
Report to the ACBAA within 30 days of any major organizational or program change that affects the administrative unit on which provider approval is based.
Secure participant records in a locked file cabinet and/or a password-protected computer for at least four years from the course date.
Uphold the ACBAA policy to keep participants’ personal and business information confidential and not disclose or sell it to another party.