CSL Therapy Board for the Body Altering Aesthetics industry

Bureau Board of Directors

For the Body Altering Aesthetics industry

CSL Therapy Bureau of Directors is the overseeing body over CSL Therapy

Our organization is dedicated to advancing the field of aesthetics through the development and implementation of cutting-edge treatment options that harness the power of convalescent synergistic lymphatic therapy.

Bureau Board Members

Guidance from experience & ethics

Visionaries with expertise

Our Bureau of Directors is comprised of a team of experienced professionals who are committed to advancing the industry and improving patient outcomes. As a visitor to our site, we invite you to learn more about our organization, including our duties, responsibilities, goals, mission, and outreach initiatives.

Duties and Responsibilities

As the overseeing body of the CSL Therapy Board, our Bureau of Directors is responsible for overseeing the development and implementation of this innovative therapy. This includes overseeing treatment protocols, overseeing clinical trials, and evaluating the efficacy and safety of CSL therapy.

The board has a duty of care, duty of loyalty, duty of ethics, and duty of obedience.


Duty of Care

The Board of Directors ensures prudent use of all assets through subsequent departments, not limited to providers, CSL approved institutions and courses, clients or patients, and general good will.


Duty of Loyalty

This board will ensure that the organizations activities and transactions are, first & foremost, advancing its mission; Recognize and disclose conflicts of interest; & upholding Hippocratic health standards.


Duty of Ethics

The board will make decisions that are in the best interest of both the board and the industry and not in the best interest of the individual board member (or any other individual or for-profit entity).


Duty of Obedience

The board adheres to the mission statement and growth objectives of the CSL Therapy organization and the industry; with a ready and willing spirit to guide and advise.

Goals | Mission | Awareness & Outreach

Our primary goal is to advance the field of body altering aesthetics by overseeing innovative and effective treatment options that deliver superior patient outcomes. Through our work, we aim to raise awareness of the benefits of CSL Therapy and help more patients access its cutting-edge treatment approaches.

Our mission is to be the leading authority in the field of CSL Therapy for the Body Altering Aesthetics industry. We are committed to advancing the science of this treatment option through ongoing research and development, while also promoting awareness and outreach to educate the public and healthcare professionals on the benefits of this therapy.

At the CSL Therapy Board, we believe that education and outreach are essential components of our mission. We are proud to be at the forefront of the Body Altering Aesthetics industry, overseeing innovative and effective treatment options that harness the power of bioengineering and synergistic lymphatic therapy. We invite you to learn more about our Board of Directors and our mission by connecting with us on social media. We look forward to growing with you to advance the field of aesthetics.

Beliefs & Purpose

ACBAA Certificants are committed to upholding the public trust and confidence, elevating the profession’s reputation, and safeguarding the interests of individual clients. To achieve these goals, Certificants shall:

I. Dedicate themselves to providing the highest quality professional care to those who seek their services.

II. Accurately represent their qualifications, education, and professional affiliations, and only offer services they are qualified to perform.

III. Provide clients, healthcare professionals, and the public with precise information on the scope and limitations of their field.

IV. Acknowledge the limitations and contraindications of CSL Therapy and bodywork, and refer clients to appropriate healthcare professionals.

V. Provide treatment only when it is reasonably expected to benefit the client.

VI. Continually maintain and enhance their professional knowledge and competence, striving for excellence through regular self-assessment and professional education.

VII. Conduct their business and professional activities with honesty, integrity, and respect for the inherent worth of all individuals.

VIII. Refuse to discriminate against clients or other healthcare professionals unjustly.

IX. Preserve the confidentiality of clients’ identities and information in all communications, advertising, and other matters unless the client requests disclosure in writing, disclosure is medically necessary, or disclosure is required by law.

X. Respect clients’ rights to treatment with informed and voluntary consent, and obtain and document such consent before providing treatment, whether verbal or written.

XI. Honor clients’ rights to refuse, modify, or terminate treatment, regardless of prior consent given.

XII. Provide draping and treatment in a manner that ensures clients’ safety, comfort, and privacy.

XIII. Refuse to treat any person or part of the body for just and reasonable cause.

XIV. Refrain from engaging in sexual conduct or relationships with clients, whether consensual or not, from the beginning of the therapeutic relationship and for at least six months after its termination, unless an ongoing sexual relationship existed before the therapeutic relationship began.

XV. Avoid any interests, activities, or influences that might conflict with their obligation to act in clients’ or the profession’s best interests.

XVI. Respect clients’ boundaries with regard to privacy, disclosure, exposure, emotional expression, beliefs, and reasonable expectations of professional behavior, and respect clients’ autonomy.

XVII. Refuse any gifts or benefits intended to influence a referral, decision, or treatment, or that serve purely personal interests rather than the clients’ best interests.

XVIII. Adhere to the ACBAA Standards of Practice, this Code of Ethics, and all policies, procedures, guidelines, regulations, codes, and requirements promulgated by the American Council of Body Altering Aesthetics, Inc.

Our enhanced school compliance program monitors and identifies schools, courses, and programs that give the appearance of fraud or simply do not meet ACBAA’s educational and operational requirements. We conduct investigations, issue suspensions, report to local Health & Education departments, or revoke assigned school codes based on a comprehensive due diligence process and thorough, documented findings.

If you believe that a school or a teacher is in violation of ACBAA’s requirements – such as selling transcripts without requiring attendance, teaching CSL Therapy courses that aren’t approved by ACBAA or committing fraud – email us at welcome@csltherapy.org and include your name, contact information, the name of the school, a summary of violation and consent to use this information in our investigation.

ACBAA does not accept continuing education courses from revoked Advanced Scholastic Providers which have been purchased after the documented revocation date. Nor do we host or promote courses or programs that have not been Sealed through the Advanced Scholastic Trainer Program.

ACBAA takes its role in serving the public’s trust very seriously. In accordance with the rules and procedures regarding ethical and professional disciplinary complaints, ACBAA publishes sanctions imposed on certificants found to be in violation of our Code of Ethics and/or Standards of Practice.


At ACBAA, we take grievances regarding the conduct of our certificants & the industry very seriously. All complaints we receive are handled according to ACBAA’s Rules and Procedures Regarding Ethical and Professional Discipline Complaints. If you have any questions about filing a complaint, or to determine if an individual is certified by ACBAA, please contact the Ethics & Standards Manager at 813-291-3341 or welcome@csltherapy.org.


If you believe an ACBAA Board Certified CSL Therapist/bodyworker has violated ACBAA’s Code of Ethics and/or Standards of Practice, please send us a formal letter containing the following information:

  • Your name, address and phone number
  • The name, address and phone number of the ACBAA certified massage therapist/bodyworker with whom you are filing the complaint
  • A detailed description of the facts supporting the complaint
  • A description of any steps that have been taken to address the situation in the complaint, and the results of any such steps
  • A list of specific sections of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice you believe have been violated
  • Your approval for the Ethics and Standards Committee to disclose all information in the complaint to the CSL therapist/bodyworker named in the complaint, the members of ACBAA’s Ethics & Standards Committee and Investigative Team, ACBAA staff, ACBAA legal counsel and experts involved in handling the complaint
  • Your signature

Please Note: ACBAA will not review healthcare information without the express written authorization of the relevant client or patient. This is because of the possible risk of HIPAA violations, as well as ACBAA’s position that client confidentiality should be protected. 

Complaints about Certificants should be marked PERSONAL & CONFIDENTIAL and sent to:

ACBAA Ethics & Standards Manager, 12530 Fairwood Pkwy Set 102 PMB 553 Bowie, MD 20720


If you believe an ACBAA Approved Provider has violated ACBAA’s Approved Provider Code of Ethics, the Code of Conduct and/or Standards of Practice, please first review the Rules and Procedures Regarding CSL Provider Complaints. Following, please send us a formal letter containing the following information:

  • Your name, address and phone number
  • The name, address and phone number of the ACBAA CSL Provider with whom you are filing the complaint
  • A detailed description of the facts supporting the complaint
  • A description of any steps that have been taken to address the situation in the complaint, and the results of any such steps
  • A list of specific sections of the CSL Provider Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice you believe have been violated
  • Your approval for the Continuing Education Committee to disclose all information in the complaint to the CSL Provider named in the complaint, the members of ACBAA’s Investigative Team, ACBAA staff, ACBAA legal counsel and experts involved in handling the complaint
  • Your signature


Complaints against ACBAA CSL Providers should be marked PERSONAL & CONFIDENTIAL and sent to:

ACBAA Ethics & Standards Manager, 12530 Fairwood Pkwy Set 102 PMB 553 Bowie, MD 20720


To submit a complaint against an ACBAA Assigned Sanctioned School or Institute, please send ACBAA a letter containing the following information:

  • Your name, address and phone number
  • The name, address and phone number of the ACBAA Assigned School with whom you are filing the complaint
  • A detailed description of the facts supporting the complaint
  • A description of any steps that have been taken to address the situation in the complaint, and the results of any such steps
  • Your approval for the ACBAA to disclose all information in the complaint to the Assigned School named in the complaint, the members of ACBAA’s Investigative Team, ACBAA staff, ACBAA legal counsel and experts involved in handling the complaint
  • Your signature

Complaints against ACBAA Assigned Sanctioned Schools or Institutes should be marked PERSONAL & CONFIDENTIAL and sent to:

ACBAA Ethics & Standards Manager, ACBAA

If you have any questions about filing a complaint, please contact our Customer Care Department at 813-291-3341 or welcome@csltherapy.org.

Your success
is our success.

Do you have a question, concern, or issue
that you would like to bring to the Bureau's attention?

Is there an event you would like a Bureau Member to attend?

© copyright CSL Therapy2025