Informational section
Regional Directors
AST Program
Upcoming classes
Upcoming meetings
Legislative changes
Promo pack: (purchase before your event $125)
- X banner + stand
- Table cloth (vista print)
- Pens
- Fliers
- 8 x 10 sign (QR code)
Activate funding committee
Actionable section
Brochures instead of business cards
Discord introductions
Meet your Regional Directors
Meet & Greet events 2024: run it by your regional director
Going and talking to surgeons
Bridge Program (presentation)
Dues benefits
Lisa’s gala
Evaluation tracking form: shows how well your skills under the guidance of CSL
SOAP notes for surgeons
PostOp Instructions Rx: Client request postOp instructions + Surgeon PO F/U eval
- Case study
- Instructions
- Preferred postOp care (compare to their instructions)