Minutes 10-18-22

Letter to health dept- cover, welcome letter, problems being experienced. Use Change.org for signatures of support for erecting a board.

Follow up within 24 hours with commentary for missed meetings

22 Problems

  1. No universal approach for post operative care
  2. Instructions from surgeons are inaccurate and often harmful to patients at times
  3. No clear regulation on who can provide post cosmetic surgery services
  4. No educational resources available to post cosmetic surgery education
  5. Health Dept doesn’t recognize nor acknowledge post cosmetic surgery treatments or post operative services
  6. Every existing board contacted declined 186 in 42 states refused to extend coverage. Did not know what to do.
  7. General public is unable to adequately research surgery topics affecting their surgery procedures
  8. Research not accepted in mainstream general medical journals
  9. Companies providing fajas/ post-surgical compression garments are not listing or required to list mmHG of compression garments, however compression socks list mmHg.
  10. Rules have been suggested but no codes to enforce suggested new/ updated best practices
  11. Post-surgical patient complaints never make it to a board for investigations to ensue
  12. No continuing education for post cosmetic surgery providers
  13. No governing board to regulate best practice in cosmetic surgery industry
  14. Industry is saturated with undertrained, unlicensed, compassionless people who have never received any formal medical training/ education. (Current licensed providers have no way of merging pre-existing medical knowledge with pertinent clinical indications for post cosmetic surgery care)
  15. Clients have no advocacy platform because of the service waivers they sign
  16. Other medical providers have no knowledge of how to manage post cosmetic surgery clients. Thus, they apply general medical practices inappropriately.
  17. No licensure process to track providers or accountability of providers
  18. No way to monitor surgeons’ ethical medical compliance
  19. No education or avenue to successfully start, set-up, or regulate cosmetic recovery homes.
  20. No mental health education or requirements for surgeons, provider, or clients
  21. Travel safety requirements and inclusions needed for post operative clients
  22. No defined qualifications or training for pre/interim or post op education of surgery coordinators

Anything suggested to alter, or remove?

Any suggestions for additional concerns?

Should anything be highlighted or taken off?

*2 people say no changes suggested

6 agencies: Pre-op, Incisional, Post -op indur, body contouring, recovery homes, client advocacy

-no pre op instructions for clients to prepare safely for surgery

Instructions are not based on body type, usually just weight.

Incisional: no differentiation between treatment styles.

Post-op: Covered (Emergency Department care; do surgeons have privileges at a hospital, providers refusing care; create a bridge between medical providers; request wound care centers take on patients; plastic surgery wound care education for wound centers) 

Body Contouring:

Recovery Homes: Respite care. Create protocols within existing AL requirements?

Client Advocacy: Deaths should be public record. Challenge because of NDC and HIPPA. Arbitration agreement signed prevents info from being available to the public. Tai will f/u with legal counsel.

Website layout by Thursday. Rough draft by months end

Review bylaws next meeting- Everyone come up with 1 bylaw of how you want the board run. Tai will add samples to the group.

Reviewed CSL Therapy client instructions created by Tai and Guadalupe. Uploaded to FB group and will be available on the website.

Identify ancillary professions needing to be knowledgeable or involved in the industry. A poll will be started.

Finalize welcome letter for health departments

Review how to research and find state representatives: names, emails, address, phone numbers.

Pitch for contacting local health departments

Next meeting 11/1/2022