Call to order, meeting agenda, questions at the end during Q&A session
CSL Therapy: Term is copy written and has an EIN. Once structure is in place the term will be patented.
Cindy Schott, Advisor- meetings must be trackable. Lynn Luckett of Shaperz Inc will be responsible for meeting notes.
Agenda for today’s meeting:
- Problems
- Claim for Change
- CSL therapy organization and the modality and therapy that it is
- Establish meeting minutes
- Discuss CSL therapy definition and how it differs from massage therapy
Hierarchy of CSL Therapy
- Counsel Members- come to with questions about objectives, tasks, goals, assistance contacting people, brain storming support. (Tai Hall, Guadalupe Beckker of THT Contour, Russel (lawyer), Tia of Contour Spa)
- AFBCBC-American Federal Board of CSL Therapy & Body Contouring- will be created once we go to congress and finalize the “ask”
- The CSL Branch Agencies- 9 in total starting with 6. Core parts that make up CSL therapies.
- The Alliance Liaison Members and State Directors- Each of us within respective states form the alliance. Meet bi-monthly
- Code Enforcers ensure structure
Agency Directors meet monthly
There are 29 Objectives, goals, and tasks—Plan to address 2-3 each meeting.
- Discuss industry wide problems and objectives to address each. Identify and consecrate what we want
- Identify difference between CSL therapy and massage therapy
- Complete the website
- Bylaws for CSL therapy
- Finalize organization flow and structure
- Meeting rules of order
- Create health dept welcome letter
- Identify a bill writer
- Local meet up groups
- Live schedule x 3 months
- Client advocacy programs’
- How to file complaints/ investigations
- Collect testimonies
- List of things complaints can be filed for
- Complaints to surgeon certification boards
- List of licensee infractions
- Liaison nonprofit tax status
- Submit letter to local politicians
- Verbiage to use when discussing challenges with politicians (pitches)
- Discuss American legal structures
- Introduce CSL branch agencies in Nov or Dec
- Better bipartisan support
- Letter from Health Dept of support for this public health crisis
- Design industry announcements (red/gold/brown)
- Initiate federal board, CSL therapy hierarchy
- Code enforcement groups
- Attack Plan * Start with local health departments, professional surgeon societies, cosmetic board certifications, state representatives, and last step is congress
Definition of CSL Therapy: An organization of best professional practices for systemic healing in the cosmetic beauty space addressing the needs of the following branch of areas: Elective pre-op standardization, Incisional drainage protocols, post op indur treatments, body contouring legislation, recovery home regulation, client advocacy litigation. Etc.
-Temporary conditions should not be treated the same as chronic disease/illness. Edema associated with aggressive plastic surgery should not be managed the same as chronic lymphedema.
CSL therapy is not massage therapy, nor is it manual lymphatic drainage.
- Members can suggest changes to the full definition within the Facebook group.
Calls to Claim
First: The evolution of the industry. No educational resources have evolved with the industry.
Second: Introduction of tumescent fluid. Too much used, or unhealthy canvas results in the fluid hardening in tissues.
Third: Unhealthy canvases. Deregulation of FDA. Sedentary lifestyles. Poor diets. Progressively aggressive surgery.
Fourth: Introduction of surgery center coordinators.
Fifth: Price decrease and demand increase. People are capitalizing at expense of patient
Sixth: Procedure aggressiveness. No industry hub regulation
Seventh: Technological advances. Illegitimate machine claims with no regulation or education prior to use on clients.
Eighth: Public health concern. Associate quality of care and expectations with clinical titles. Clients develop complications and utilize medical resources.
Next meeting 10/18/22 1830 EST
- Identify ancillary professions that need to be informed about CSL Therapy
- Identify problems that we are experiencing and how we want them addressed
- Create and vote on organizational bylaws
Q&A —no questions.If you cannot attend a meeting it is your responsibility to listen in it’s entirety and type “done” under the link in the Facebook group