Minutes 05-1-2023

CSL Therapy Meeting Minutes #3

Finalizing the flow of CSL Therapy

Bylaws are done- listed at the bottom of the website.

CPA for nonprofit $4000

Website $3,000

Federal board bylaws will be voted on later.

Formal nonprofit organization status—will offset costs being incurred. Cannot be associated with politics.

Council, State and Federal Board- For profit

Fed Board- 6 -9 agencies.

  1. Pre and Peri-operative charter
  2. incisional drainage
  3. post op indur
  4. body contouring (2 types/ nonsurgical and body contouring & post-op body contouring maintenance)
  5. recovery homes
  6. client advocacy

Sub committees Executive, finance, Ethics, Nominating

Chairman, secretary, treasure, chief analyst researcher (already in place)

Client advocacy- has code enforcing agent for each state. Covers everyone in the industry. Both surgeons and clients are included.

Need to start generating funds to offset cost:

Spreadsheet of organizations being started—Reviewed by Guadalupe.

  • Members to refer organizations—nonprofits and large corporations
  • Update spreadsheet after contact
  • Do not change any cells in the spreadsheet
  • It will be posted in the Facebook group. Consider saving it as an icon on your phone or downloading it.

Call to action- Need everyone to write a welcome letter to the health department. Use your own words and voice.

  • Discuss problems in the industry and why we need help
  • Tai will share a sample letter
  • Be authentic
  • Consider using a client experience as an example. No names.
  • Stress that problems exist.2
  • 3 paragraphs minimum
  • Highlight that it cannot fit in any other boards. Needs to be a stand-alone. Make it specific to your state.
  • Our treatments fall outside of the realm of existing boards
  • Ask for help creating a federal board
  • Will be reviewed and refined by a medical journal writer, and add CSL Therapy letterhead
  • Send to ptmstudios@gmail.com
  • Due November 8th

Establish list of desires. What is missing? What does the industry need?

Board, protection, stability, medical representation, regulation, and acknowledgement from other healthcare providers.

Ambi massage: history and definition reviewed.

Industry call to action in 2-3 weeks. Change listing of services to CSL Therapy. It will help weed out people who are on board.

CSL Therapy quarterly discussions:

Jan/April/July/October – 1st month of each quarter

Feb/May/Aug/Nov- 2nd month of each quarter

March/June/Sept/Dec- 3rd month of each quarter

Each agency director must host a quarterly “Talk”

Federal board and Council representation at each meeting: Attendance is not mandatory for every meeting.

2023 CSL Regional Meetings dates listed on the website: Please see for meeting dates

Pre-Op Charter – Meet 1st Saturday of every first month of the quarter:

North 1/7, South 4/8, East 7/8, West 10/7

Incisional Drainage Agency Meet every 1st Sunday of every first month of the quarter:

Meet North 1/8, South 4/9, East 7/9, West 10/8)

Post Op Indur– 1st Saturday of every 2nd Month in the quarter:

Meet: North 2/4, South 5/6, East 8/5, West 11/4

Body Contouring Agency– 1st Sunday of every second month of the quarter:

North 2/5, South 5/7, East 8/6, West 11/5 

Recovery homes Agency– 1st Saturday of every third month of the quarter :

Meets: North 3/4, South 6/3, West 9/2 , East  12/2

Client Advocacy Agency– 1st Sunday of every third month of the quarter:

Meets every (North 3/5, South 6/4, East9/3, West 12/3

  • Schedule will always follow this pattern.

Alliance liaison members will host local meet and greets and/or talks

-Learn excel spreadsheets. Start researching politicians in the state.

State government website and source all state representatives about 80-100/state

  • Type in state government
  • Full name, address, email, phone #
  • Senators, and US representatives

Question from Lynn regarding surgeon involvement because of physician boards such as AMA. Body contouring does have some regulation in place for equipment used in Med Spas manufactured by larger companies. Equipment from China lacks barriers to purchase and training v/s American companies.

  • Consider adding surgeons as a representative in each state for support
  • Consider body contouring agency addressing machine use. Differentiate machines by strength/voltage. Consider rating devices by voltage.
  • Connect Lynn with Body Contouring Agency director
  • We will not cover equipment that permeates/ punctures the skin directly

Ericka Harris has spoken with surgeons and have support from colleagues at work. Works in a surgical center in WI

  • Start networking with surgeons

Lynn Luckett- Consider creating a media kit for uniform presentation to surgeons, health dept officials, etc

  • Tai will f/u

Agenda for next week: Health Dept. Collect and review bills surrounding surgery. Appointment with research analyst. Work on media kit pitch. Submit pictures, case studies, etc.


Tainika Brown— CFO


Tia Keels— Director

Russell Neverdon— Director

Guadalupe Beckker— Director